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  • CDG Solo System (ENG)

    82,90 zł
    Producent: GMT Games
    Kod: 8318
    EAN: 817054012374
    Wysyłka:24 godziny
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    The CDG Solo System plays alongside your favorite CDG and is designed to enhance your solitaire experience by reintroducing many of the best parts of wargaming that fall apart in standard two-handed play, the narrative flow and the fog of war. 

    The CDG Solo System includes two Card Displays that are used to manage each side’s hand of strategy cards. At the beginning of each Side's turn, you will roll a Fate Die to determine which of the cards in one or more of the slots are available for play. Typically 2 or 3 cards are available at a time, but the final decision is ultimately yours. After a card is played, the marker on the Cards Remaining track slides one spot to the left, and then it’s time to roll the die for the other side’s turn. 

    Because the turn to turn maintenance level is so low, the rhythm of play quickly becomes second nature and allows for the game to shine. The combination play between the roll of the Fate Die and the layout of the Card Displays provides many great benefits for Solitaire CDG players. First, the singular die roll provides a nearly instantaneous result that limits the player’s options so a decision can be made quickly for each side. 

    Second, because cards are only turned face-up when their lettered slot is rolled, the player doesn’t know all of the cards that will be available for each side. This combined with the Fate Die dictating which slots are available each turn effectively reinstates a reasonable degree of uncertainty and allows the player to focus on the options for the active side, instead of falling victim to the mental strain of trying to take every card into consideration while also pretending to not know what the other side is planning to do. 

    Finally, the system allows for an element of surprise. Every once in a while, the perfect strategy hangs in the balance as the die rolls. Whether things look grim (until the die roll flips the perfect card) or everything feels like it's falling perfectly in line (until the card slot you need isn't rolled), the CDG Solo System reintroduces the fog of war to solitaire CDG wargaming. The moments that don't go as planned make for the best stories.

    Along with a Rules Summary and other components, the system will launches with official Playsheet support for seven GMT games:
    • Caesar: Rome vs Gaul
    • Commands & Colors: Ancients
    • Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles
    • For The People
    • Illusions of Glory
    • Paths of Glory
    • Washington’s War
    Playsheets are single sheets of rules, front and back, that contain all of the game-specific rules needed to use the system. These include a diagram of set-up, a listing of die result rulings, and modifications to the system that are necessary to meet the demands of unique game rules.

    Please note! This is english-language version
    Please note! This is not a standalone game and requires one of the games mentioned above

    • 2 Card Displays
    • 1 Six-Sided Custom Die
    • 4 Markers for the Cards Remaining Track 
    • 1 Rules Summary
    • 7 Playsheets (Caesar: Rome vs Gaul, Commands & Colors: Ancients, Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles, For The People, Illusions of Glory, Paths of Glory, Washington’s War)

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