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  • Strona głównaGRY PLANSZOWEStrategiczne/EkonomiczneMr. President - The American Presidency 2001-2020 (ENG)

    Mr. President - The American Presidency 2001-2020 (ENG)

    369,90 zł
    Producent: GMT Games
    Kod: 6900
    Wysyłka:produkt na zamówienie
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    Please note! This is pre-order

    Mr. President
     is a solitaire game about governing as the President of the United States in the early 21st century. It's not an election game. It begins after you've been elected. It's about sitting in The Chair and trying to advance your agenda while navigating ongoing crises, political enemies, public opinion, your relations with Congress and the press, and keeping your country secure in a world of rival nations and agendas that just seems to keep blowing up around you. Mr. President
     is a resource management game where you never have enough resources to achieve your entire agenda and the path you take through an always unpredictable storyline rests on the choices you make. Depending on the results of those choices, and on the unfolding of a "different every game" story, you'll either be thinking "POTUS? Piece of Cake!" or "Why was it that I WANTED this job?" many times in each game.

    Like the actual Presidents during this period, you'll have an array of allies and resources to help you as you navigate both the corridors of power in the nation's capital and the uncertainties of international relations. These allies and resources will vary from game to game, but you'll always be able to rely on your Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense to help you with foreign policy and the use of the combat power of the U.S. military, where you deem necessary. You'll also have your Vice President, Chief of Staff, and a bevy of domestic advisors and friends in Congress to help you navigate the many challenges in Congress, politics, and domestic life. And you'll always have access to at least one truly exceptional talent (this, too, will vary from game to game), someone who excels in their particular job and is a "force multiplier" for you in their own unique way. How you lead and utilize this mix of talents and experience at your disposal will go a long way toward determining your success or failure during your shot at being Mr. President.

    Please note: this is english-language version of the game

    Reprint release planned for August 2024. The release date depends on the publisher and may be postponed. Shipping and personal pickup will be carried out on the day of release.
    Please note! Orders that include this product will be shipped once the entire order is ready.

    Mr. President on boardgamegeek.com

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    Classic Card Game (180pcs)

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