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    Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition (ENG)

    379,90 zł
    Producent: GMT Games
    Kod: 9384
    EAN: 817054011162
    Wysyłka:produkt na zamówienie
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    Please note! This is pre-order

    Fields of Fire is a solitaire game of commanding a rifle company between World War II and Present Day. The game is different from many tactical games in that it is diceless and card based. There are two decks used to play. The Terrain Deck is based on a specific region and is used to build a map for the various missions your company must perform. The Action deck serves many purposes in controlling combat, command and control, various activity attempts. The units of the company are counters representing headquarters elements, squads, weapons teams, forward observers, individual vehicles or helicopters. A single playing is a mission and several missions from an historical campaign are strung together for the player to manage experience and replacements. A mission can be played in about 1 – 2 hours.

    This game is based on four actual campaigns experienced by units of the 9th US Infantry in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. The 9th infantry are known as the "Manchus" for their service in the Boxer Rebellion. Their motto is “Keep Up the Fire.”

    Included Campaigns:
    WWII Normandy Campaign
    Normandy, France - June to August 1944

    As part of the 2nd Infantry Division "Indianhead", the 9th Infantry landed on D-Day +1, June 7th 1944. They would spend the next 70 days in the line battling through the bocage terrain. For much of that time they faced the German paratroopers of the 3rd Fallschirmjaeger Division. The Germans used the difficult terrain to their advantage, forcing the Manchus to battle for it hedgerow by hedgerow.

    Korea – Naktong River Campaign
    Naktong River - August to September 1950

    Among the first reinforcements to arrive in Korea, the 9th Infantry was rushed into the Pusan Perimeter to reinforce the decimated US 24th Infantry Division. The North Koreans battled across a bend in the Naktong River, known as the Naktong Bulge. The Manchus were thrown in to face the North Koreans head-on. It took weeks of fighting and reinforcements to finally eject the North Koreans from the Bulge. The rest of the 2nd Infantry Division had arrived, and the 9th reverted back to its parent division. The battered regiment was given responsibility for the entire Naktong Bulge. With little rest they faced a renewed massive North Korean offensive that pushed back into the Naktong Bulge, and spent the rest of September pushing the North Koreans back out again.

    Korea – The Battle of Heartbreak Ridge
    Heartbreak Ridge - August to October 1951

    The summer of 1951 saw the 2nd Division taking part in a series of offensive operations in Central Korea, and systematically rolling back Chinese and North Korean forces. In the high rugged hills just to the south of the 38th Parallel, the fighting between August and October was the last major engagement of the war for the Manchus and the rest of the 2nd Infantry Division.

    Vietnam Campaign
    III Corps - December 1966 - December 1968

    The Fourth of the Ninth, 4/9, Infantry was transferred to the 1st Brigade of the US 25th Infantry Division in 1966 and sailed to the Republic of Vietnam. The Manchus were posted Cu Chi, northwest of Saigon near the base of the infamous "Iron Triangle". They faced some of the toughest Viet Cong fighters in the Filhol Rubber Plantation, Ho Bo, and Bo Loi Woods areas. Later they moved northwest to Tay Ninh to battle North Vietnamese infiltration along the Cambodian border. Working closely with helicopters, the Manchus flew in and out of action routinely.

    Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition is an expanded and improved edition of Fields of Fire Volume I. Based on the past 15 years of feedback, hundreds of hours of playtesting, and long discussions with the design team, the Deluxe Edition presents Ben Hull’s masterpiece of tactical infantry command in a way that is accessible to the modern gamer while retaining all of the deep complexity that veteran players have grown to love over the years.

    New features include:
    • A Rewritten Series Rulebook. The Deluxe Edition comes with a rewritten 3rd Edition ruleset, packed with examples, diagrams, and clarifying notes while maintaining continuity with the 2nd Edition rules. Series Developers Andrew Stead and Colin Parsons have worked to eliminate ambiguities and edge cases throughout, creating a much improved reference manual for play.
    • Training Material. While Fields of Fire has a reputation of being difficult to learn, the Field Manuals make it easy. Each chapter in the Basic Training Field Manual incrementally introduces new rules through training exercises that teach you the basics of infantry combat. In the Advanced Operations Field Manual you'll find guides on setting up for air assaults, defensive missions, and making the best use of supporting vehicles.
    • A Full Stand-Alone Mission. Keep Up the Fire! is a WWII based stand-alone mission tailored towards easing new company commanders into the full game. This mission can be played repeatedly with a variety of simplified rules to allow you to adjust to the full historical campaigns.
    • Four Fully Redesigned Mission Books. Refining and improving the new campaign book format that began with Fields of Fire: The Bulge Campaign, the Normandy, Heartbreak Ridge, Naktong River, and Vietnam campaigns are presented in a clarified and expanded manner featuring newly written background notes and additional features for this edition.
    • Over 200 updated counters plus various additional reference markers and new units.
    • New elevation cards to enhance the Heartbreak Ridge campaign.
    • A completely new set of redesigned player aids including new charts, logsheets, Command Display, and air assault planning cards.
    • A 3.5" Game Box

    Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition on boardgamegeek.com

    Release planned for 1st/2nd quarter 2025. Release date depends on the publisher and may be postponed. Shipping and personal pickup will be carried out on the day of release.
    Please note! Orders that include this product will be shipped once the entire order is ready.

    Please note: this is english language version of the game.

    Players: 1 (solo game)
    Playing Time: 180-360 min
    Age: 13+

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