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    Fighting Formations: US 29th Infantry Division

    459,90 zł
    Producent: GMT Games
    Kod: 9640
    EAN: 817054012879
    Wysyłka:24 godziny
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    Please note! This is pre-order

    Fighting Formations is intended to be an ongoing series of wargames covering WWII tactical combined-arms combat at the platoon and squad levels. Each game in the series features a distinct combat unit, highlighting battles in which that unit participated as well as its particular order of battle and fighting characteristics. In this second volume of Fighting Formations - US 29th Infantry Division—“Blue and Gray”—as it fought from just after D-Day in June of 1944 to the end of the year.

    In each scenario, one player will take command of elements of the featured unit while the other assumes control of the opposing forces. These two players will alternate giving orders, activating their units on the map for various military functions. Players attempt to achieve victory by moving their combat units across the game map to attack their opponent’s units and to achieve as many scenario objectives as possible. The degree to which a player succeeds or fails is measured by a scenario’s specific victory conditions—be it the destruction of enemy units, the taking of vital mapboard objectives, or the exiting of friendly units off the opponent’s map edge.

    Each game turn is divided into ten orders, with each player performing a variable number of these orders. In each turn, the sequence of play is fluid - with orders being given by the active player and reactions being taken by both players depending upon the relative initiative level at any given moment. Fighting Formations is also not the typical I-go-You-go fare with a strict sequence of play. Instead, the base game engine is an impulse-type back and forth mechanic whereby the various Orders carry with them a certain cost in Initiative. The game has a “pool” of 40 Initiative that is “spent” to give orders and then to activate units for those orders. At the end of every order, the player with the most Initiative is able to give the next order. In response, the opponent can also spend Initiative to conduct both Opportunity Fire (at moving units) or Reactive Fire (at firing units).

    The game has Asset cards—including smoke, artillery, air support, man-portable support weapons and demolitions—but is not card-driven. Each Asset will either take the place of a standard order or provide the player with some form of reactionary capability during an order.

    Units represent infantry squads, guns with their inherent crews, and individual vehicles. Platoons are also employed. Leaders are abstractly represented by Command markers, each one coordinating the actions of friendly units within a scenario-defined radius.

    The scale of the game is 75 meters per hex with turns representing about 5 minutes of real time.

    Release planned for 1st/2nd quarter 2025). Release date depends on the publisher and may be postponed. Shipping and personal pickup will be carried out on the day of release.
    Please note! Orders that include this product will be shipped once the entire order is ready.

    Please note: This is english language version of the game

    Fighting Formations: US 29th Infantry Division on boardgamegeek.com


    • Three Backprinted 22" x 34" Maps
    • Four Backprinted 17” x 22” Maps
    • Six Die-cut Countersheets
    • Two 8.5" x 11" Player Aid Cards
    • 55 Playing Cards
    • One Track Display, 2-sided
    • One 28-page Series Rulebook
    • One 28-page Playbook
    • One 28-page Scenarios Booklet
    • One 24-page Examples of Play Booklet
    • 10 Dice
    • 10 Wooden Cubes
    • One Wooden Pawn

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