The mysterious Dúnedain tirelessly protect the Free Peoples from lurking shadows and unseen dangers. In their duty to safeguard the realm, these Rangers of the North selflessly walk in harm's way...
The Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion includes 8 heroes for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, as well as all of the player cards and customization options featured in The Lost Realm and the original Angmar Awakened cycle. Use iconic characters like Aragorn and Arwen to quest through Middle-earth and thwart dangerous foes. Rise to the occasion by using valor cards and partake in new adventures pursuing thrilling side quests.
The Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion can be used to build or enhance player decks for any The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game scenario or campaign.
Uwaga! To nie jest samodzielna gra! Do rozgrywki wymagana jest podstawowa wersja gry: Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Revised Core Set.
Uwaga! Gra w angielskiej wersji językowej!
Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Wydanie: angielskie
Number of players:: 1-4
Age: 14+
Playing time: approx. 30-120 min.
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