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  • Strona głównaGRY FABULARNESYMBAROUM RPGSymbaroum: The Haunted Waste (ENG)

    Symbaroum: The Haunted Waste (ENG)

    109,90 zł
    Kod: 4446
    Wysyłka:24 godziny
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    UWAGA Angielska wersja językowa:


    The aching spine, the knees stiff and tender. For more than two decades Old Aldaro had known what was responsible for the pains: sometimes the heavy drinking of his daughter-in-law; sometimes the greed of his landlord; most often the inevitable decay of his body. But now…
    Was it that the civil war had called his son into service? Perhaps he could blame it on the still unopposed rumor that Queen Korinthia was missing? Or on the nightmares – the recurring dream that took him through Davokar, darkness rising like black mist from moss and mires, or the other one, the dream from last night…
    "Grandpa, who is the Dark Lord?” His bewildered expression made little Esmerelda explain herself: “You said it when you slept, ‘the Dark Lord’.”
    He had always kept his dreams to himself, never told anyone how they often presaged the future. Maybe it was time to break the silence, to inform someone of what he had seen: the woman with the porcelain mask chasing through dust and decay; the storms and black rains closing in on her path; the horrible shadow rising, waiting for her at the heart of that haunted waste…

    In Symbaroum: The Haunted Waste, Alberetor welcomes you with open arms, and extended claws! In the fifth episode of the Chronicle of the Throne of Thorns you will find the epic adventure The Haunted Waste, along with support for creating your own adventures in the lost lands of the south and in a war-torn Ambria. The people of the Davokar region are again threatened by war and famine, and this is before an even deadlier aggressor appears, shaded by the tall trees at the edge of the forest…

    Featured Content

    • The adventure The Haunted Waste, where the player characters visit the darkened, twisted realm south of the Titans for their most vital and perilous mission to date.
    • Maps and descriptions of Alberetor and Lyastra, including a dozen specific persons, locations, and events that the player characters may encounter.
    • Guidelines for traveling through the lost south, along with tables that can be used to create or randomly design single challenges as well as smaller adventure landscapes.
    • A chapter on the Ambrian civil war, that accounts for its developments and important turning points, and that presents hooks for adventures in the battle-scarred land.
    • New tables with curiosities, mystical treasures and artifacts, and a customized list of mishaps which can affect uninformed and ill-prepared adventurers.
    • Note that this book requires access to the Symbaroum Core Rulebook, and that it does not come into its own without the Advanced Player’s Guide, the Game Master’s Guide and the Monster Codex.

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